Sorin Fericean’s book, Inductive Sensors for Industrial Applications, primarily deals with sensors containing inductive primary sensing elements. “Inductive” is one of most widely used elements in the market (see Section 3.4) and the author acted mainly in the R & D, manufacturing and tests fields for inductive sensors for more than 25 years. A volume …
Mani Vadari, whose second edition of Electric System Operations: Evolving to the Modern Grid, is available now, gives us some background on an everyday convenience and how the electric grid helped make it happen: The modern toilet and the electric grid became part of our daily lives in the late 1800’s and have operated using the …
Artech House authors are experts in their respective field, and Dr. Jared DeMott, an author of Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality Assurance, Second Edition, is no exception. Read on for two presentation Dr. DeMott shared regarding next generation fuzzing tools: Using Next Generation Fuzzing Tools: Fixing Bugs and Writing Memory Corruption Exploits Dr. …
Today, Governor Coumo of New York State in his daily broadcast suggested that after the Corona Virus outbreak is finally resolved, that part of the solution to improving our response in the event of new outbreak of a similar sort would be to greatly accelerate the adoption of tele-education in the event of school closures, and …
As things change in the world around us, it’s important to focus on the positive. Author Geoff Varrall give us his insights about the current state of affairs and why we should be positive: Writing technical books on telecoms can be challenging when unexpected events intervene and change the industry that we work in and …
Artech House author, Geoff Varrall, who is also executive director of RTT, which has been providing technology assessment and technology related facilitation programmes to an international client base since 1986, has shared April’s RTT Technology Topic, which addresses the current pandemic situation, and reminds us that every cloud has a silver lining: Business is booming …
What inspired me to write the book “Practical Microstrip and Printed Antenna Design” In the spring of 2019, my book, “Practical Microstrip and Printed Antenna Design” has been published by a well-reputed publisher, Artech House and I am delighted. I have written this technical book based on my research in the area of RF, Microwave …
Mani Vadari, who released Electric System Operations: Evolving to the Modern Grid, Second Edition, gave us a behind-the-scenes look at today’s electric grid: To the layperson, electricity may seem ubiquitous and simple; flip the switch and voilà, you have light! But what happens behind the scenes is anything but simple. Today’s electric grid is increasingly …
At Artech House, we ask our authors what problems their books can help readers solve. In this series, we share what our authors aim to do in their writing, starting with Ed Birrane, who, along with Jason Soloff, wrote Designing Delay-Tolerant Applications for Store-and-Forward Networks: How can I increase the value of a congested/impaired network? Network …
Artech House author Sue Robertson let us know about her her career journey and the current climate of her field of study: Traditional wars have been fought in the air, land and sea but now the electromagnetic (EM) domain has come to dominate the way in which battles are fought. The EM domain underpins and …