Software Engineering and IT

Exclusive Interview from our Author Kaustubh Dhondge

In this interview, we talk to Kaustubh Dhondge, author of the book Lifecycle IoT Security for Engineers. We discuss the motivation behind writing the book, the target audience, the most useful aspects of the book, the challenges of writing the book, and advice for other engineers who are considering writing a book.  Dr. Kaustubh Dhondge …

Problem Solving 101 with Ari Takanen – About integrating fuzzing into the SDLC

At Artech House, we ask our authors what problems their books can help readers solve. In this series, we share what our authors aim to do in their writing. Read on to find out what Ari Takanen, who, along with Jared D. Demott, Charles Miller, Atte Kettunen wrote Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality …

Blockchain applications and limitations in Cyber-Physical Systems with Ali Dorri

Blockchain applications and limitations in Cyber-Physical Systems – CPS Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) integrate sensing, networking, and computation capabilities where millions of networkable devices sense the environment to capture information. Using network infrastructure, mainly the Internet, the information is transferred to cloud servers where it is processed to offer personalized services to the users. The data …

Cryptography 101: From Theory to Practice with Rolf Oppliger

This book provides a comprehensive introduction into cryptography and the current state of the art. It starts with an overview about cryptography as a field of study and the various unkeyed, secret key, and public key cryptosystems that are available, and it then delves more deeply into the technical details of the systems. The goal …

Exploring The Technical Foundations of IoT with Boris Adryan, Dominik Obermaier, and Paul Fremantle

The Technical Foundations of IoT by Boris Adryan, Dominik Obermaier, Paul Fremantle provides an overview of the technical aspects of the Internet of Things (in fact, most other modern technology!), offering more theory and background information than is usually required for non-specialists in interdisciplinary development teams. That is, product design specialists are going to get an introduction …

The Past, Present and Future of IoT with John Soldatos

In recent years the proliferation of internet connected devices is enabling the Internet of Things paradigm, which is already disrupting and revolutionizing entire sectors of the global economy including healthcare, transport, trade, energy and industry. IoT is not however is a single technology, but rather an entire paradigm shift in internet computing, which combines concepts …

Does E2EE Provide Messaging and Conferencing Security? with Rolf Oppliger

We are thrilled to share Series Editor Rolf Oppliger’s insights into E2EE and their role in messaging and conferencing security: Does E2EE Provide Messaging and Conferencing Security? Since the triumphant advance of Internet messaging in general, and the revelations of Edward Snowden in particular, people have talked a lot about end-to-end encryption (E2EE) and why …

The Making of “End-to-End Encrypted Messaging” with Rolf Oppliger

Artech House author and series editor Rolf Oppliger gave us insight into how his book, End-to-End Encrypted Messaging, came to be: In 2001, I wrote “Secure Messaging with PGP and S/MIME” (ISBN ISBN 978-1-58053-161-0) that was published as the fourth title in the then newly established Information Security and Privacy book series of Artech House …