
Exploring Reconfigurable Antenna Design and Analysis with Mohammad Ali

Wireless communication, navigation, and radar have seen rapid growth in recent years. Wireless technology is now everywhere in the world. Even in the remotest villages in the developing world, one can see the use of smart phones and other wireless devices. Wireless technology can be seen in handheld, wearable, and implantable devices. Smart homes are increasingly …

Problem Solving 101 with Eric Bogatin – Engineering Principles With an Emphasis on Understanding The Math

At Artech House, we ask our authors what problems their books can help readers solve. In this series, we share what our authors aim to do in their writing. Read on to find out what Eric Bogatin, who wrote Bogatin’s Practical Guide to Transmission Line Design and Characterization for Signal Integrity Applications, had to say: What …

Predicting Fusing Time of Overloaded PCB Traces Can We Predict It At All? with Douglas Brooks and Johannes Adam

When Traces Melt:  Figures 1 and 2 (Note 1) illustrate traces on two different boards. Each figure illustrates the trace at the moment it fuses (melts) due to a significant current overload. The fusing mechanisms are clearly different. So what was different? Here is the first hint. Assume there is a current that is just …

OGS-2 optical telescope dome. Credits: NASA

Smart Spectrum from Space with Geoff Varrall

What did Galileo and Karl Jansky have in common? In 1610, Galileo looked up at the stars through his latest invention, a prototype for the modern day refractor telescope. In 1931 Karl Jansky accidentally discovered radio astronomy when investigating background static on Bell Labs short wave transatlantic radio phone service. Radio astronomers explore the outer …

Antenna-on-Chip: Design, Challenges, and Opportunities with Hammad M. Cheema, Fatima Khalid, and Atif Shamim

Find a deeper understanding of cutting-edge technology in exciting new book Antennas, the ubiquitous components enabling all wireless communication systems have predominantly been seen as components that are outside the chipsets connected either through printed-circuit boards or external connectors. However, the continuous push towards higher frequencies and the unprecedented advancements in semiconductor technology in the …

Transmission media: microwave, millimeter-wave, THz wave, and lightwave in fibers with Tetsuya Kawanishi

Wired and Wireless Seamless Access Systems for Public Infrastructure by Tetsuya Kawanishi provides comprehensive and detailed information on wired and wireless seamless access systems consisting of a wide variety of transmission media such as microwave, millimeter-wave, THz wave, and lightwave in fibers. The wired and wireless seamless access system can be used in transportation infrastructures, …

Space Microelectronics: A Deep Dive with Anatoly Belous, Vitali Saladukha, and Siarhei Shvedau

The Space Microelectronics book set is a comprehensive focuses on the study of modern spacecraft, including their classification, packaging and protection, design versions, launch failure and accident analysis, and the main requirements of electronic components used as well as details about the integrated circuit design for space applications. Read on for a thorough introduction to …