In Your Own Words

Problem Solving 101 with Eric Bogatin – Engineering Principles With an Emphasis on Understanding The Math

At Artech House, we ask our authors what problems their books can help readers solve. In this series, we share what our authors aim to do in their writing. Read on to find out what Eric Bogatin, who wrote Bogatin’s Practical Guide to Transmission Line Design and Characterization for Signal Integrity Applications, had to say: What …

Predicting Fusing Time of Overloaded PCB Traces Can We Predict It At All? with Douglas Brooks and Johannes Adam

When Traces Melt:  Figures 1 and 2 (Note 1) illustrate traces on two different boards. Each figure illustrates the trace at the moment it fuses (melts) due to a significant current overload. The fusing mechanisms are clearly different. So what was different? Here is the first hint. Assume there is a current that is just …

The Past, Present and Future of IoT with John Soldatos

In recent years the proliferation of internet connected devices is enabling the Internet of Things paradigm, which is already disrupting and revolutionizing entire sectors of the global economy including healthcare, transport, trade, energy and industry. IoT is not however is a single technology, but rather an entire paradigm shift in internet computing, which combines concepts …

Noise Temperature Theory and Applications for Deep Space Communications Antenna Systems with Tom Otoshi

Tom’s Low Gain Antenna (LGA) on Mars Pathfinder that landed on the surface of Mars on July 4, 1997. This is a real photograph of the LGA and landscape of Mars. Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech. March 21, 2009 Tom is age 78 years old Artech House supports its authors long after their books publish, and our …