Tag Archives: Radar

“Things I should have put in the book” with Brian Watson

Author Brian Watson’s book, Non-Line-of-Sight-Radar, wrote a comprehensive volume, but there’s always more to talk about. Read on for his thoughts on radar, how he wrote the book, and his writing process: Radar: Big data is being incorporated into a variety of fields to improve performance including medicine, physics, and smart systems. Radar is no …

A Deeper Dive with Andy Harrison

October author Andy Harrison is well-known in the community for his expertise on radar, which he covers in his book, Introduction to Radar Using Python and MATLAB. This presentation on Adaptive Array Processing relates to Chapter 3,  “Antenna Systems”.  Take a look for a thorough analysis of Radar Signal Analysis and Processing with MATLAB. Click here for more …

Inspiration and Habilitation with Mateusz Malanowski

We asked author Mateusz Malanowski what inspired him to write his book, Signal Processing for Passive Bistatic Radar. Here’s what he had to say… Several years ago passive radar was a niche topic that hardly anyone in the radar community heard about. The situation has changed, as academia, industry and military understood the possibilities that …