Author Insights

The Evolving Data-Rich, Information-Poor (DRIP) Environment with Ken Hintz

Artech author Ken Hintz gave us insight into today’s sensing environment: Today’s sensing environment not only contains the conventional military physical sensors such as RADAR, FLIR, LIDAR, ESM, etc., but also includes widely distributed physical environmental sensors in the internet of things (IoT). The number of civilian networked devices comprising the IoT was an estimated …

Getting Broad and Thorough Understanding in the Field of Device Modeling and Model Parameter Extraction with Gunter Kompa

My published book titled Parameter Extraction and Complex Nonlinear Transistor Models concerns with the following three key topics: Small-signal model parameter extraction Large-signal device modeling Large-signal measurement techniques In my first post, dated December 17, 2019, I explained the limitation of using the standard 15-element FET model for modern high power multifinger GaN devices. Similar …

About the Author with Tom Otoshi

Artech House supports its authors long after their books publish, and our authors continue to make huge strides in their fields. Today, we highlight author Tom Otoshi, whose book, Noise, Temperature Theory and Applications for Deep Space Communications Antenna Systems, continues to be relevant today: In 1961, Mr. Otoshi joined the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at …

IoT Manufacturing with Cameron K. Coursey

  Some industries are rethinking offshore manufacturing because of the pandemic and the corresponding material and product shortages. Local manufacturing has the benefit of reducing the dependence on other countries and simplifying the supply chain. In countries where costs are high, however, it may only make sense to manufacture locally by taking advantage of capabilities …