Power Engineering

Problem Solving 101 with Eric Bogatin – Engineering Principles With an Emphasis on Understanding The Math

At Artech House, we ask our authors what problems their books can help readers solve. In this series, we share what our authors aim to do in their writing. Read on to find out what Eric Bogatin, who wrote Bogatin’s Practical Guide to Transmission Line Design and Characterization for Signal Integrity Applications, had to say: What …

Lithium-Ion Batteries and Applications: A Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Lithium-Ion Batteries and Arrays, from Toys to Towns: A Practical Overview

Released in 2020, Davide Andrea’s two-volume set provides a thorough introduction to lithium ion (Li-ion) technology. Readers get a hands-on understanding of Li-ion technology, are guided through the design and assembly of a battery, through deployment, configuration and testing. The book covers dozens of applications, with solutions for each application provided. Read on for a …

Modern Appliances and the Electric Grid with Mani Vadari

Mani Vadari, whose second edition of Electric System Operations: Evolving to the Modern Grid, is available now, gives us some background on an everyday convenience and how the electric grid helped make it happen: The modern toilet and the electric grid became part of our daily lives in the late 1800’s and have operated using the …

Smart Grid Forum’s Cybersecurity 2020 Conference

  As the grid modernises, the design of utility cybersecurity solutions need to be rethought to defend against the evolving capabilities of potential attackers. A huge difficulty lies in the selection process of available technologies. This comes with the bigger challenges of implementing and operating these new technologies to harmonise with existing internal utility services. …

Fundamentals of IEC 61850 2020 – Intensive 3-day Training Programme for Electrical Engineers new to IEC 61850

IEC 61850 is far more than a communication protocol – it is an engineering philosophy and a common language for all those working with digital substation technology. As the use of IEC 61850 becomes business-as-usual for substation automation, it is essential for the technicians, design specialists, and specification engineers involved to have a solid grounding …

Understanding the complex operations of keeping the lights on with Mani Vadari

Mani Vadari, who released Electric System Operations: Evolving to the Modern Grid, Second Edition, gave us a behind-the-scenes look at today’s electric grid: To the layperson, electricity may seem ubiquitous and simple; flip the switch and voilà, you have light! But what happens behind the scenes is anything but simple. Today’s electric grid is increasingly …

Research and Renewable Energy with Nader Anani

November author Nader Anani let us know the reasons why he felt it was so important to write his book, Renewable Energy Technologies and Resources: My main research and teaching area have always been revolving around power electronics. However, with rising concerns about greenhouse emissions and their harmful emissions on the environment, I became interested in …