At Artech House, we ask our authors what problems their books can help readers solve. In this series, we share what our authors aim to do in their writing. Read on to find out what Vince Rodriguez, who wrote Anechoic Range Design For Electromagnetic Measurements had to say:
What are the features of your book and the specific benefits a reader can expect to derive from those features?
- The book provides information on the design of ranges in a way that the user can analyize an existing range and evaluate the error contributions form the range and the best approach to measure her/his system, antenna, or other radiating hardware.
- A series of Matlab scripts provided in some chapters give the user an easy way to estimate performance of RF absorber. This is a great benefit to anybody using pyramidal RF absorber as manufacturers do not provide that type of information in their specifications.
- The book does not try to champion one approach over another. It describes the benefits of each technology but more important the drawbacks. This I believe is and important benefits, many time even technical journal papers tend to show how great a given approach is without giving its potential drawbacks. This I believe will benefit people interested in antenna measurements as it provides them with a clear pros and cons for each technology and lets the user decide which is the best approach.
Please name the audiences at which this book is aimed. How will this audience use your book?
- Program manager at aerospace/ satellite company: The book provides information on how to make an educated guess of the potential requirements for a test range, or what are the important aspects when specifying the range or resources needed in a development program
- 5G developers at cell phone communication companies/ Antenna engineers, RF engineers, test engineers: The book provides information on selecting the right range to make an specific type of measurement and understanding on RF absorber and how it works. It can help them in design their own home grown laboratory or how to specify their needs to a range manufacturer
- Faculty and Students in Electrical engineering/ Assistant, associate, and full professors of electrical engineering and graduate students in electrical engineering: The book can be used as a reference text book on a measurements class or on a antenna class. In addition it can be a powerful tool for helping setting up ranges for research. Typical antenna books only dedicate a small portion to antenna measurements. the book provides information that students and faculty may not be able to find anywhere else
- Test range managers/ technicians: The book can be used as a reference text to show customers that proper procedures are being used and also for finding methods for estimating uncertainties. It can help managers decide what is the next equipment investment based on the type of antennas that customers are bringing to test in order to have better measurements or faster turnaround.
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