Meet Peter Froehlich, Artech House’s New Acquisitions Editor

Artech is excited to introduce you to our new Acquisitions Editor, Peter Froehlich. To get to know him better, Ana Tobin from Marketing held a quick chat. 

AT: Welcome to Artech House! How are you settling in?  

PF: Thank you. Settling in is going well, as with everything, it is a process, but everyone has been welcoming and Boston is beautiful!  


AT: Can you please give a brief overview of your background and areas of expertise? 

PF: Sure: I served as the director of Purdue University Press and head of Scholarly Communication for Purdue University for several years. In those roles (one appointment, two titles), I was head of house, headed up book acquisitions, and managed a portfolio of journals for the Press. I also supervised the Open Access Journal (OAJ) publishing program and the Institutional Repository (IR). Prior to that, I served as head of global rights and licensing for Indiana University Press, where I had previously served as an assistant acquiring editor (books) for a few years, and publishing associate (journals). I’ve been Co-Principal investigator (Co-PI) on a few major grants. Including one in Global Grand Challenges research, comprising and funding nine multidisciplinary research teams, across two grants. I completed my MBA in Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Supply Chain Management and am certified as a Six Sigma green belt in data-driven continual process improvement. As for areas of expertise, my background tracks well with publishing strategy and leadership, but I love content acquisitions and multi-platform communication project development.  


AT: What are you most passionate about in publishing? 

PF: Collaborating with colleagues and scholars. Finding important work and amplifying the voices of top researchers and subject matter experts to reach the greatest possible audience; to help them grow their careers and have the greatest impact.  


AT: What are you most excited about in your new role as acquisitions editor? 

PF: Getting to know our authors, exploring IEEE, and making new contacts!  


AT: What are you most looking forward to about working with authors? 

PF: Learning and being inspired by their passion; every new industry and area of practice is an adventure. 


AT: What do you look for in a book proposal? 

PF: Technical soundness and value to our audience, first. Content needs to solve a problem and fill an informational and practical need for readers. Next, a brief but thorough survey of the competitive landscape (competing titles already available). Content has to be valuable and original or better than what’s already out there. And last. a clear hook or unique focus, anticipating major trends in society, research, and industry; disciplines or subdisciplines. We want to be valuable, original, and optimally relevant, targeting impact.  


AT: Lastly, please describe your perfect fall Saturday.  

PF: Well, I’m a geek, so that would include a long trip to the gym and/or intense Yoga session. Followed by a long lazy afternoon with friends exploring a park or a museum or watching some college or professional sports, wrapping up in a bustling pub or bistro, before racing to a show of some kind, be it a good film or some live music, preferably improvisational jazz. If the jazz club serves dinner, we could skip the racing around; but, sometimes racing between venues adds to the fun! 


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