
Microwave and Millimetric Frequency Co-fired Dielectric and Ferrite Assemblies for 4G and 5G Circulator Devices with Dave Cruickshank

Artech House author David Cruickshank’s title, Implementing Full Duplexing for 5G, examines the current state of the art in developing full duplex (FD) systems in 5G LTE cellular communications. He shared a fascinating invited plenary presentation on Microwave and Millimetric Frequency Co-fired Dielectric and Ferrite Assemblies for 4G and 5G Circulator Devices, click to see …

Using Next Generation Fuzzing Tools with Jared DeMott

Artech House authors are experts in their respective field, and Dr. Jared DeMott, an author of Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality Assurance, Second Edition, is no exception. Read on for two presentation Dr. DeMott shared regarding next generation fuzzing tools: Using Next Generation Fuzzing Tools: Fixing Bugs and Writing Memory Corruption Exploits Dr. …

Highlights from IEEE Radio & Wireless Week Conference with Howard Hausman

Artech House authors are often presenters at conferences around the world, and in late January 2020, Howard Hausman, author of Microwave Power Amplifier Design with MMIC Modules, presented at IEEE Radio & Wireless Week Conference. Click below for the presentation and information about the workshop: RWW Workshop 2010 01 2020 01 22 21 32 39 Microwave …