Radar has played a crucial role in the military during the 20th century. This technology of using radio waves to detect the existence of faraway metallic objects was however developed in the late 19th century.
Fast forward nowadays RADAR has become a technology with massive and divers applications in air-defence systems, space and ocean surveillance, outer space and radar astronomy, missile applications, air and terrestrial traffic control, self-driving cars and so many others.
Radar and Electronic Warfare (EW) are undergoing rapid growth and innovation in both government and commercial sectors.
New advanced and cognitive radar/EW architectures are emerging that leverage advances in key enabling radio frequency (RF) technologies, high performance embedded computing (HPEC), and machine intelligence. Applications include advanced phased array radars, multistatics, UAV radar, ground penetrating radar (GPR), cognitive radar and EW, health monitoring and automotive.
Artech House provides in their RADAR book series a comprehensive set of references from basic introductory materials to the latest cutting-edge technologies. Review below 5 of the best radar books published by Artech House.
For more information, go ahead and access our Electronic Defense and Radar Solutions brochure.
5 of the Best Radar Books
Cognitive Radar: The Knowledge-Aided Fully Adaptive Approach, Second Edition
Copyright: 2020
Pages: 222
ISBN: 9781630817732
Author Bio: Joseph R. Guerci J.R. Guerci has 30 years of experience in advanced technology research and development in government, industrial, and academic settings including the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as Director of the Special Projects Office (SPO) where he led the inception, research, development, execution, and ultimately transition of next generation multidisciplinary defense technologies. In 2007, he received the IEEE Warren D. White Award for radar adaptive processing and is a Fellow of the IEEE for contributions to advanced radar theory and embodiment in real-world systems.
Introduction to Radar Using Python and MATLAB
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 464
ISBN: 9781630815974
Basic Radar Analysis, Second Edition
Pages: 950
ISBN: 9781630815554